• Phone +847 305-3368
  • info@qmdquality.com


Affordable Solutions For The Private Practices

Quality Cost
It Is Not Too Late To Participate in MIPS and Avoid a Negative 4% Payment Adjustment to Medicare Part B Claims in 2019.

We will help you submit your MIPS data for 2017!

Data needs to be submitted to CMS by March 31, 2018 for the 2017 transition year except for CMS Web Interface users whose submission window is January 22, 2018 to March 16, 2018.

If you plan to submit your MIPS quality data via The Anesthesia Quality Institute’s (AQI) National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry (NACOR) QCDR, we will extract the quality data from your anesthesia billing, practice management and other systems (e.g., custom quality management systems, EMR, AIMS, etc.) and merge data info file. Next, we will “map" the data into the format expected by the NACOR import function and submit your MIPS quality data to AQI’s NACOR QCDR.

We will also help you attest to Clinical Practice Improvement Activities (CPIA) through a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR).

Our comprehensive, user-friendly solutions and tools and knowledgeable consultants guide you through the MIPS reporting process and to success!

We will help you:
  • Select the right measures for your anesthesia practice. Our AnesthesiaQ Solution contains MIPS Anesthesia Specialty measures, AQI’s NACOR QCDR measures and ASA approved outcomes.
  • Capture quality measures with our tool, AnesthesiaQ Solution, that simplifies compliance and makes regulatory reporting easier.
  • Monitor performance to ensure that you meet requirements
  • Successfully submit data to Medicare, including submission via Anesthesia Quality Institute’s NACOR QCDR for MIPS reporting.
  • Analyze and improve performance
  • Unparalleled customer support
Quality Cost

Quality Cost
We guide you every step of the way.

We help you through the entire MACRA and MIPS program life cycle from enrollment, data entry, to data submission.

We provide the end to end consulting and support that ensures your success from selecting the right quality measures for your anesthesia practice, explaining the reporting requirements, data collection, progress review and attestation.

Up to 4% of your payment is at risk with MIPS

If you're an Eligible Clinician your performance in MIPS dictates a positive or negative payment adjustment to your Medicare Part B payment.

Eligible Clinicians who don’t report any data in 2017 will receive a 4% negative payment adjustment. A two-year lag between performance year and payment year means that 2017 performance impacts 2019 payments, and 2018 performance will impact 2020 payments.

Quality Cost



Performance monitoring & coaching to ensure you meet requirements .


Real-time provider and administrative dashboards.


Data analysis through filtering, tables, charting and graphing.


Helps ensure compliance and avoid CMS penalties under MIPS and MACRA.


Nightly backups are performed automatically, stored offsite Role-based, user-level security controls access for specific functions Security audits include usage logs and change-data history

Cloud Platform

No installation, setup and daily upkeep and maintenance of the software and hardware required.

How can we help you with MIPS and the Quality Payment Program?