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  • info@qmdquality.com

Reporting And Analytics

The power of data-based decision making

Reporting and Analytics

The power of any data management system is in its ability to efficiently transform data into useful information. QMD responds to this crucial need by providing users with a tool to quickly generate accurate, professional reports.

Utilizing the latest version of Google Charts as its standard reporting tool, AnesthesiaQ Reports offers a comprehensive report library containing pre-defined reports.

Reporting Solutions

Key Features

QMD responds to this crucial need by providing users with a tool to quickly generate accurate, professional reports.

  • Standard Reports: AnesthesiaQ Reports module comes built-in with the most common reports our customers need.
  • Customization: Unlimited custom reports can be created per customer request.
  • Real Time: Users can easily run real-time reports that can be viewed instantly with all applicable data in place.

Key Services

Our certified Reporting Services consultants are experts in reporting services implementation, report development, and support.

  • Report design: Basic report design with table, matrix and lists reports.
  • Ad-hoc reporting: Ad-hoc reporting, custom reports, reporting services integration and custom programming.
  • Support: Full reporting life cycle support and administration
  • Export/Import: Ability to export reports to Excel, Word, CVS, TIFF, XML and PDF files.

Talk to our Reporting And Analytics specialists to learn how we can help.